At Bunbury Eskrima and Combined Martial Arts we encourage our students to keep up their education in the ever changing landscape of martial arts. As such our students attend other styles seminars so they can reflect on the similarity between the disciplines.
Music only has twelve notes, although the different genres and individual interpretation of instruments seems endless. Martial arts are the same. Some people might choose more of a hard style, some more of a soft style, some more throwing, others more kicking. The list goes on. As well as encouraging our students to attend seminars we also conduct seminars with clubs that are interested in seeing how Eskrima techniques can be used within their own art.

The Bunbury Eskrima club has been covered by local TV and newspaper media several times. Chief Instructor, Dean Carter, has also written two articles for Australia’s premier martial art magazine Blitz and FMA magazine.

Overseas Training
GOiFEX – Jakarta, February 2019
The Bunbury Eskrima Club travels overseas to train with a host of Masters of FMA. The clubs instructors are currently ranked and recognised by Doce Pares International.